Welcome to Yerba Loca!!!

This site is dedicated to logging my experiences with Ilex Paraguensis, or Yerba Mate.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Product: Amanda

Country of Origin: Argentina

Website: http://www.yerbamanda.com.ar

The first type of yerba I ever tried was Amanda. I had never tried it before, but the words "Yerba Mate" always stood out to me, so I just grabbed a kilo off the shelf to start experimenting with. After googling a bit, I found some instructions, but had no bombilla or proper mate's to drink from so I used a smaller mason jar. I probably oversteeped it & ended up making more of a mate cocido, and a few hours after drinking it I found I could smell the haunting smoky flavour of the yerba on my skin...

From there I messed around with tea balls & strainers until I got my first bombilla on ebay.

I recently found a nice amanda set which I purchased which looked like this:

Even with only half a kilo, the ceramic gourd & stainless bombilla was an excellent value. Overall, I really enjoy Amanda yerba & will buy it again when I see it somewhere. The flavour in this kit was slightly different from the first bag I tried for some reason... but still good.

Overall rating: 3 Stars

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